








2009.8-2015.5 美国阿克伦大学, 化学与生物分子工程系, 博士学位

2005.9-2009.7 西安石油大学, 化学工程与工艺系,工学学士学位



2019.10-至今    暨南大学生物医学工程系,副研究员

2018.3-2019.9   美国加州大学旧金山分校药学院皮肤科,博士后(Postdoctoral Research Associate

2015.6-2018.2   美国理海大学材料科学工程&电子工程系,博士后(Postdoctoral Research Associate








1.Y Qian, X Zeng, Y GaoH Li, S Kumar, Q Gan, X Cheng, F Bartoli, “Intensity-modulated nanoplasmonic interferometric sensor for MMP-9 detection”, 2019, Lab on a Chip, DOI: 10.1039/c8lc013. (SCI 一区,IF = 6.914)

2.H Li, X Ma, X Du, L Li, X Cheng, J Hwang, “Correlation between optical fluorescence and microwave transmission during single-cell electroporation”, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2018.2885781. (Featured article, SCI二区,IF = 4.491)

3.X Ma, X Du, H Li, X Cheng, JCM Hwang, “Ultra-Wideband Impedance Spectroscopy of a Live Biological Cell”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018, 66 (8), 3690-3696. SCI二区,IF = 3.756

4.H Li, C Multari, C Palego, X Ma, Y Ning, J Buceta, J CM Hwang, X Cheng, “Differentiation of live and heat-killed E. coli by microwave impedance spectroscopy”, 2018, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 1614-1622. SCI一区, IF = 6.393

5.H Li, J Zheng, H Wang, M.L Becker, ND Leipzig.“Neural stem cells differentiation in strain promoted crosslinked PEG based hydrogels”. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 2018, Apr, 32(9):1222-1230. SCI三区, IF = 2.764

6.H Li, A Denzi, Xiao Ma, X Du, Y Ning, X Cheng, F Apollonio, M Liberti, J CM Hwang, “Distributed Effect in High-Frequency Electroporation of Biological Cells”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 99:1-9. SCI二区,IF = 3.756

7.H Li, T Ham, A Wilkinson, N Neill, A Koenig, ND Leipzig, “A Hydrogel Bridge Incorporating Immobilized Growth Factors and Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells to Treat Spinal Cord Injury”, 2016, Advanced healthcare Materials, 5(7):802-12. (SCI一区,IF = 6.270)

8.H Li, A Koenig, P Sloan, ND Leipzig. “In vivo Assessment of Guided Neural Stem Cell Differentiation in Growth Factor Immobilized Chitosan-Based Hydrogel Scaffolds”, 2014, Biomaterials, 35(33):9049-57. SCI一区, IF = 10.273